Bitcoin: New ATH incoming and all the Crypto/Stock News you need $TSLA $MSTR $FB

#Bitcoin #NewBTCATH #CryptoNews #FB #SEC #LifeRaft #Recession #ChinaBonds $TSLA
DISCLAIMER: InvestAnswers does not provide financial, investment, tax, or legal advice. None of the content on the InvestAnswers channels is financial, investment, tax, or legal advice and should not be taken as such; the content is intended only for educational and entertainment purposes. InvestAnswers (James) shares some of his trades as learning examples but they are only relevant to his specific portfolio allocation, risk tolerance & financial expertise, may not constitute a comprehensive or complete discussion of such topics, and should not be emulated. The content of this video is solely the opinion(s) of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading equities or cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. Kindly use your judgment and do your own research at all times. You are solely responsible for your own financial, investing, and trading decisions.

0:00 Disclaimer – this is Edutainment and not Financial Advice – The opinions expressed in the video are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security or investment product. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry.

00:10 Bitcoin Day – 49.29% Dom

01:00 188 Days Ago – Apr 14

02:00 Where We Are Going

03:00 Bitcoin Long Term Holder Supply Shock

04:00 El Salvador Buying and HODLing

05:00 GBTC over 20% Discount

06:00 MSTR not the only one to Falter

07:00 MSTR ARB

08:00 Why? BITO Sucking Oxygen from the Room

09:00 $BITO tops $1BN Trading Volume day #1

10:00 $BITO #2 on the Day of all new EFT Launches

11:00 Next Bitcoin price Dip will be ‘shallower’ Pantera

12:00 A Visual of Shallower Retracements

13:00 Bitcoin – The Great Equalizer

14:00 US$ Sanction Impact Erosion

15:00 Hashrate Heading to new ATH’s inline w BTC

16:00 FB to use Coinbase Wallet

17:00 Even Dems hate Diem

18:00 Oh My – I agree w Warren

19:00 Scottie – BTC not a Value Play – 70% Crypto Garbage

20:00 RECESSION: Where to Hide?

21:00 Bitcoin is the Life Raft

22:00 Tesla vs VW

23:00 BEWARE Apple App Store Scam


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